
Monday, July 9, 2012

Motivational Mondays: Never Apologize #BossChat

The BOSS Network is community of entrepreneur and career women who support each other through online and event-based networking. Yesterday The Boss Network held a #BOSSChat on twitter giving 24 things a women should never apologize about. I really related to a lot of these points and they were exactly what I needed to hear. Here are a few of my favorites.

1. Never apologize for pursuing what makes you happy. Even if you need to quit your job, transfer schools or move. Always do what you really want.

2. Never apologize for giving your best in a relationship that just didn't work out.

3. Never apologize for being successful.

4. Never apologize for crying. Wear waterproof mascara and express yourself.

5. Never apologize for the 10 pounds you need to use. People who truly care about you will accept you as you are.

6. Never apologize for treating yourself to something special. Sometimes you have to show yourself some appreciation.

7. Never apologize for saying no... NEVER!!

8. Never apologize for demanding respect. You are to be treated like a queen.

9. Never apologize for changing your mind; it is your prerogative.

10. Never apologize for being YOU!!

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